Kegiatan kreativitas Ilmiah tidak terbatas di alboratorium saja, di pesantren juga bisa. Hal itu ditunjukkan oleh kerja sama antara Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) dan Ponpes JH pada penyelenggaraan PIRN VII. Perkemahan itu digelar pada 20-26 April 2008. Sebagai tuan rumah, para siswa SMP JH beserta para dewan guru bersama- sama membantu panitia PIRN VII yang diketuai oleh Kepala SMP JH Agus Wiyoto,S.Pd. supaya berjalan lancar sesuai dengan rencana.
Activities of scientific creativity are not limited in the laboratory only but at the boarding school also. It was shown in co-operation between the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and JH boarding School at the organizing of PIRN VII. The camp was held on April 20th to 26th,2008. As host, SMP JH students and teachers council helped the committee of PIRN VII together, that was chaired by the SMP JH headmaster in order to run fluently as planned.
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